Basics sequence for beginners

Barefoot caddie holding golf clubs


Left hand “V” points to the right shoulder
right hand fingers all together


Straight spine
slight knee bend
arms hang straight down
feet shoulder width apart


Big muscles first (shoulders/arms) not wrist
rotate club slightly (toe points straight up)

Top of backswing

Wrist start to hinge, big muscles continue to rotate around spine
club points at the target at the top (not left/right)
club parallel to the ground (or less, but not more)
SLOW backswing is better, dont rush it


after slight pause at the top of backswing, begin the downswing with the lower body
rotate hips/torso back towards the ball first, followed by arms/club.
shift weight towards front leg


Hands drop down and inside path to the ball (think throwing axe behind you)
back elbow close to rib cage (skipping a rock)
Left foot should push forward to clear hips (feel toes pushing to the front of shoe)


Ball first then ground
think about “driving the tee into the ground drill”

Follow through

Weight on front foot
back heel raised
chest points towards the target

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